Restore Vitality and Discover Optimal Wellness

New Jersey Integrative Anti-Aging Medicine Specialists

Restore Vitality and Discover Optimal Wellness

New Jersey Integrative Anti-Aging Medicine Specialists

Restore Vitality and Discover Optimal Wellness

New Jersey Integrative Anti-Aging Medicine Specialists

New Jersey Hormone Therapy

Whether due to aging or life style, our specialists help you with declining hormone levels. We use bioidentical hormones to help keep men and women feeling at the top of their game.

New Jersey Functional Medicine Doctor

Our functional medicine specialists provide safe, nonsurgical treatments that harness the human body’s innate ability to heal. Our revolutionary treatments help you achieve and maintain optimal health.

New Jersey Peptide Therapy Doctor

Peptides instructs cells and molecules to achieve unparalleled results. Peptides harness the power of protein-based therapeutics for personalized medicine that fits the needs of each individual.

Natasha Fuksina, M.D. of AstraMD New Jersey Welcomes You!

Dr. Natasha Fuksina, a celebrated Morris County New Jersey physician specializing in Integrative Internal Medicine, presents a holistic approach to reinstate health and functionality by pinpointing the root causes of illness. By employing advanced diagnostic testing, Dr. Fuksina is devoted to decoding the intricate biological particulars driving every patient’s one-of-a-kind inner system—allowing her to create customized regimens tailored to their personal needs and ambitions. Through an all-encompassing approach that combines state-of-the-art biomedical evaluation with customizable treatments such as hormone replacement therapy, peptide therapies, IV therapies, medical weight loss utilizing semaglutides, and more–Dr. Fuksina provides comprehensive, functional medicine-based wellness plans.

Equipped with an extraordinary set of bilingual proficiencies, Dr. Fuksina provides integrative and functional medicine treatments to Spanish and Russian-speaking patients with unparalleled expertise. Her special talents make her a passionate advocate for wellbeing for all. Situated upon the fundamentals of integrative internal medicine, Dr. Fuksina fashions individualized treatment plans fit for each person’s metabolism, genetic makeup, and physique composition. Guided by her relentless commitment to well-being, Dr. Fuksina is paving the path towards healthier, brighter lives.

Natasha Fuksina MD
“Dr. Fuksina is very knowledgeable, professional and friendly. She listened to me attentively, remembered details of my case from the last time I visited and really helped me with my health issues. I highly recommend her.”
Dr. Inna T.
“Dr. Fuksina gets it. From her excellent treatment, flexible approach to resolving issues, investigative mind and ability to connect and open mindedness, you know where you stand immediately and what next steps look like. I highly recommend becoming her patient!”
Dmitry A.
“Dr. Fuksina is one of the few doctors I have met who took the time to read my patient history, obtain a thorough assessment, and perform a physical exam. And probably most importantly, she is an excellent diagnostician. I have been an RN over 25 years and I can honestly say that physicians like Dr. Fuksina are extremely hard to come by.”